Complete online archive of Virus magazine, a journal for militant anarchism initially founded by Colin Parker which then became the magazine of the Anarchist Communist Federation (later renamed the Anarchist Federation).

(13.99 MB)
(18.12 MB)
Virus 3 full.pdf
(15.71 MB)
(17.09 MB)
(24.57 MB)
(19.53 MB)
Virus 7 full.pdf
(19.03 MB)
virus 8 full.pdf
(21.28 MB)
virus 9 full.pdf
(17.56 MB)
(23 MB)
(21.2 MB)
(22.11 MB)
Excellent to see this
Excellent to see this archived on Libcom!
rat wrote: Excellent to see
we only have one issue though at the moment so if you know anyone who has an archive let us know!
Sparrows Nest does. I gave
Sparrows Nest does. I gave them a few back issues from no 1 onwards. Think they've got the whole set now.
I've just had a very quick
I've just had a very quick look at the Sparrows' Nest website and I can see a reference to Virus magazine being scanned but I couldn't find a direct link to the publication. I did only take a quick look though.
I've got hold of some issues
I've got hold of some issues of Virus ( multiple copies) yesterday from the attic of the old flat in central London of Colin Parker. Can pass copies on to libcom. PM me.
Virus has to be the best ever
Virus has to be the best ever title for an anarchist communist mag.
Hi rat, thanks for that.
Hi rat, thanks for that. Looking at their website they just have a few bits and pieces scanned
that would be great. I'll get in touch when I have some time in the next couple of weeks
rat wrote: Virus has to be
Even better now with the internet connotation of 'viral'.
arminius wrote: rat
apparently they stopped using it because of the HIV-AIDS epidemic and the resultant connotations with the word "virus"
I'd forgotten that but yes,
I'd forgotten that but yes, that was one reason we changed the name.
Added 3 and 7 courtesy of
Added 3 and 7 courtesy of Scottish Radical Library at Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh.
Added some more.
Added some more.
Great. Yes we have all Virus
Great. Yes we have all Virus issues at The Sparrows' Nest but we have been busy with other material in the last year or so. How can we see easily what has already been uploaded? Also I've been discussing this with one of Libcom collective in the last week or so as follows as there is useful material on AF old website including content list text for many issues:
AF has already got all of Resistance and most of Organise! as a fairly handy archive in PDF and some HTML for older issues.
What we have all nicely listed on and
For Resistance the PDFs are all available as resistX.pdf where X is 1-162
However note that the contents lists for later issues of Resistance are only found on the latest CMS site starting on (then more recent issues on pages 1-10).
Organise is in PDF from issue 56 e.g.
and some earlier issues as HTML.
For the very early issues and Virus (which became Organise! at issue 14) we'd need to scan in which will happen at some point via The Sparrows' Nest library and archive here in Nottingham.
*** update - those that RobberBurns has not done already - thanks!!
As you can see on the above webpages there is text for contents of Organise! and some Resistances. You'll also find a full index of content for issues 14-29 of Organise! even though the content is not all online yet. See
We also have a few special issues (including Desist spoof issues) and 'Irish Resistance' 4-10 e.g.
A libcom archive of everything would be clearly a great thing to have.
I wish the files weren't so
I wish the files weren't so big.
I suppose that is due to
I suppose that is due to quality of scanning from paper copies. Certainly the PDFs created directly from text and graphics are much smaller filesizes. At Sparrows' Nest we are trying to produce optimal file sizes from scans.
The file sizes aren't too
The file sizes aren't too bad. You could try using OCR software to digitise it but I think you'd lose quality.
Thanks for posting
We did it. All scanned it.
We did it. All scanned it.
I've now added the complete
I've now added the complete collection thanks to the Sparrow's Nest scans above. Since most of the scans had just been added as attachments to this page rather than having separate pages created, I just did it that way, I suppose it would be neater to create one for each issue or else just delete the #11 page.
11, 12, + 13 produced on
11, 12, + 13 produced on Tyneside. we have full set of Liberation / Virus / Organise!